Monday, September 8, 2008

Back again....home???


watching the patchwork quilt of colourful valleys , lakes and hills leave on the clearest day I can remember, the plane felt like a
toothpaste tube oozing with the artificial sterile-minty smell of sobriety, as lobster-red tourist families, business suits and boho travellers alike were squeezed in towards amerika.

canada. the sense of urgency to keep moving, keep seeing new things, keep questioning and challenging is almost painful.
I must come to terms with the truth that all travelling happens from within, and that if I choose so, I can keep travelling through my hometown as far as the stars, if I only keep an open eye and open heart to new things always.
this is reassuring, as i must now stop and nest awhile, the time to complete my documentary, and digest all the new amazing experiences of these last four months of wonder.

a few stats from my trip...though i never cared to be too accurate about these kinds of things:P

total km: approx. 6000(3400km till my odometer was stolen + at least 2600km)
countries visited:11
days biked:
average km/day: ..115k??
number of flats: ONE(and wut a sham-flat! an old man, thinking he should help a poor damsel in distress pump her tire, broke my tube valve, haha..)
craziest roads: tie between south-coastal Croatia and countryside of southern England(road rage, but no road shoulder!)
best bike roads: Netherlands, natürlisch( Vienna/Austria honourable mention...though
the "bike ampels" in germany win hands down(or bars up?): the green light is a smiley face, the yellow a star, the red a heart!
bäckereis overtaken: virtually every town was marked by the trace of hungry cyclists
best swim: Pilnitz lake near Dresden...Ich LIEBE NUDE BEACHES! woot.
best wild camping: on a cliff overlooking the Dalmatian coast, southern Croatia
worst attempted wild camping: behind a parking lot outside London
number of new adopted grandparents:15
best party: tiny town of weimar, germany(?!!&!?)
most random media appearance: singing the glory of sexy biking on Bosnian national television wearing a superwoman swimsuit & Dr. Seuss boxers(and bearing a huge banner which read "burn fat, not fuel" in bosnian)
new nickname: die kleine Maüslein(little mouse)
strangest accident: a car crash right before my wheels when a tiny dog ran into the street outside Sarajevo
best street art: Budapest!
busiest cycling path: The Donauradweg between Vienna, Austria and Passau, Germany. THE most popular bike-touring trail for retired couples in Europe