Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hippity happity Earth Day!!!

WOOOOW! FOUR DAYS till i hop on a gas-guzzling two-winged beast for Paris, the beginning of my adventures.
I've just found out that the EUDEC(European Democratic Education Conference will be in Leipzig, Germany at the end of July, which means I might alter my route to make it for the last few days of this amazing event which reunites inspiring educators & students alike(David Gribble & Zoe Readhead Neil of Sands & Summerhill Free School are to be keynote speakers!!!) to share radical ideas on the future of alternative education in europe.
The freedom to explore and wander without a plan set in stone is truly one of the nicest aspects of this journey. It's important not to set any expectations, and to enjoy whatever life throws yer way.
This being said, there are so many interesting regions that I wish to see.
Today, my map for May reads roughly as follows, all dates, except for school visits, are approximate....

April 27, attérrissage à Paris!
April 30, ferry over to my darling Shasta's flat in London
May 4-10, bike with my first bike buddy, Dave Franklyne, towards Devonshire(Sands Freeschool)/Cornwall
May 12, Summerhill Freeschool!!!
May 16-ferry from Norwich to Rotterdam
May 22-bike to Amsterdam in time for Critical Mass on the 23:)
by the end of May I will take the super-cycling bikeway (Fietsroute!) through Germany( surely with a crochet to Berlin)

Eastern europe's calling me as far as Romania & bulgaria, though I am dangerously tempted to find a way of spending some time in Russia(and visit lenin's mussoleum!). Perhaps ye olde train will be a pleasant option after all...


Ça y est-QUATRE JOURS avant de prendre mon envol entre cieux et océans pour Paris!!!! Waaaooouh!
une étrange sorte d'euphorie angoissée...de soulagement névrosée..de peur délicieusement délectable m'habite. 
 si ma chère Synthia  bôite toujours de sa roue arrière, je ne peux qu'apprécier la banalité de mes erreurs de mécanique amateurs  étant des expériences d'apprentissage importantes avant d'embarquer sur la route en solo. 
j'ai tant à apprendre de ce mystérieux monde qui s'ouvre à moi....