Monday, August 4, 2008


holy shit holy shit holy shit.
How is it that Canada is so freakin primitive??????
Spending the past week in this amazing opened-minded, united community of free schoolers has opened my eyes in ways I couldn't imagine.
This has been one intense week of learning, laughter,tears, and creative juiciness that has rendered me numb with overwhelming, and unabashedly inspired in superpychotic ways which make me tingly dancy and sing-song happy all together! which is why i am now spending my days in the EUDEC aftermath by the (many!)lakes of Leipzig, writing, reading, and simply digesting this treasurehold of knowledge that I have just acquired.
I am relishing the idea of getting back to the editing room asap and spend some sleepless nights collaging together a spiffyspectacular account of what democracy really CAN look like for everyone to see.

I have learned so much here- from important research tools, to the applications of "Clubhouse democracy" in public schools, to debates on life in post-democratic schools, have been inspired and befriended by such wonderful people from all over the world, and have truly felt like a respected and free student for the first time in such a community.

I look forward to giving a more detailed account of the full EUDEC programme later...
for now...

All hope, all heart:)

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